What are Federal Grants and Where You Can Find Them?

What are Federal Grants and Where You Can Find Them

In FY2020, the federal government spent $6.6 trillion in Medicare, Social Security, defense and veterans, debt interest, support to businesses, health, education, social services, and assistance like stimulus and unemployment plus assistance to States.

The federal grants world is very competitive, overwhelming, and full of deadlines. Various agencies fund multiple programs for nonprofits, universities, hospitals, and other businesses. If you are a first-timer, you need to have all your ducks in a row to ensure you are eligible to apply for that particular RFP and have a DUNS# and Sam.gov which can take up to two to three weeks.

Did you know the very first grant was awarded in 1785 to revolutionary war veterans for land west of the Appalachians?

What is Grant?
Per Grants.gov, a grant is how the government funds your ideas and projects to provide public services and stimulate the economy.

Per 2 CFR 200, a grant is federal financial assistance that a non-federal entity receives directly from a federal agency or indirectly as a pass-through.

Where do you find Grants?

  1. Grants.gov

  2. Federal Register

  3. Specific Federal Agency Websites, such as Department of Justice, SAMHSA, HRSA

  4. Bonus: USASpending.gov

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