grant ready

Data, Data, Data: Ten Tips for Great Grant Proposals

Data, Data, Data: Ten Tips for Great Grant Proposals

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle said, “Data! Data! Data!...I can’t make bricks without clay.” Most grant professionals I know love the act and art of telling a good story in a grant proposal. So do I. But what about the data and statistics needed to back up that story you are conveying to the funder?

Grant-Making Agencies List 4/29/20

Grant-Making Agencies List 4/29/20

We hope you are doing well during these tough times. To help out the nonprofit organizations, we are providing the list of Funders. This search includes grant opportunities with keyword COVID-19 for arts & culture, education, health, and human services.

Grants Lifecycle 101

Grants Lifecycle 101

Grants Management is crucial for your organization if you would like to continue receiving grants. The focus on performance, accountability, and transparency play a major role as you manage the grants. To continue receiving grant dollars we highly encourage you to consider the grants lifecycle- it will allow you to streamline your organizational processes.